ANCIENT ASSYRIA # What would be its future?

Ancient Assyria #What would be its future?

Ancient  Assyria  was the second World Power
according to Bible History.

I am writing to share with my readers some new informations the Bible provides on the
Assyrians in the near future.

The objective is to show that the Bible  is
Trustworthy and inspired of Jehovah God
and its nessage is one of hope for an end to
the suffering caused by man's cruel domination of his fellow man.


Ancient  Assyrians were inhabitants of one of the world's earliest civilizations, Mesopotamia
which began to emerge around 3500 B.C.

Assyria was an empire came to embrace a far
larger area  of Mesopotamia including Media,
Babylonia, Elam, Turkey  and its prominent
Cities like Nineveh, Calah, Khorsabad, Asshur.

It was situated at the northern part of Tigris
River and wish to enlarge her royal empire
toward east and south.  Egypt, Jerusalem,
Turkey, Babylonia, Syria and Samaria were
once conquered by them.


The city of Asshur located west of the Tigris
River is considered  to have been the original
Capital of the region.  Thereafter Nineveh
became its most  prominent Capital, while
both Calah and Khorsabad were used at times by Assyrian  monarchies as Capital cities.

Nineveh the oldest most populous city of the
ancient  Assyrians empire situated at the
east bank of the Tigris  River and encircled
by the modern  city of Mosul, Iraq.

Now, I would  like  to discuss with you the
Assyrians Military  power,  their Culture,
Literature, Laws and Religion.

The most important thing is their good side of character and their restoration in time being.


The people were more energetic and aggressive  than the neighbourhood state 

The Assyrians army was well organized and
had soldiers that specialized in certain

The Assyrians used a wide variety of weapons
Including Swords, Spears, Slings, Daggers, and
Bows and Arrows.

The Assyrians were  the first to use Iron to
make their weapons.   Iron was stronger than
the bronze used by their enemies and gave
them a distinct  advantage.

The Assyrians were most famous  for their
fearsome  army.   They were a warrior society
where  fighting  was a part  of life.

They were known throughout the land as
Cruel and ruthless warriors.

Once captured, the soldiers were burn its
Buildings and carry the peoples and goods

They built pillars and hanged upon them
living captives.  Cut off limbs of the officers
and burned with fire, cut off their hands and fingers noses, ears, even put out the  eyes.
Assyrian  brutality as depicted on their palace
walls, captives being tortured, impaled, and
flayed alive.

Reliefs  often show  their captives being led by
cords attached to hooks that pierced the nose
or the  Lips.

Thus sadistic torture was a frequent feature of
Assyrian  warfare and the knowledge  of their
cruelty doubtless served them to an advantage militarily, striking  terror into the hearts of those in their  line of attack.


The Assyrians built impressive palaces, lining
the walls  with sculptured slabs portraying with
painting of war scenes.  They had a well planned drainage system and quite good sanitation.

Their kings built  aqueducts and developed
system of irrigation. They  produced royal
Botanical  gardens and zoological parks
containing  plants, trees, and animals from
many lands.

Lion hunting was a sport of Assyrian Kings.

The greatest  achievement credited  to the
Assyrians is the founding of the first
University  where theology, philosophy, and
medicine were taught.

Assyrians invented the world's first written
language  and the 360 degree circle,
established  Hammurabis Code of Law  and
are credited  with many other military


Assyrians national god  was Asshur.  The
Assyrian  king served as the  high priest  of

The belief in triads of gods  as well as that of
Pentad, or five gods  was prominent in Assyrian  worship.  Their  pantheon, however
included  innumerable  other  minor deities,
many serving as patrons of towns.  Another
gods  name was Nisroch.

Sargon regularly invoked  Ishtar's  help before
going to  war.  The armies  marched behind
the  standards  of the  gods  apparently wooden or metal symbols  on poles.
Fish  god Dagan a creature part-man and
Part-fish an object of worship in early
Babylonians and Assyrians is clear  from
their monuments excavated by scientists.

Assyrians temples were large ziggurats
built of mud brick like those of their neighbours to the south.


The first reference  to Assyria in the Bible
record is at Genesis  2: 14 where the
Hiddekel river (Tigris) is going to the east
of Assyria.

This is recorded  by Moses in 1513 BC.

The land derived its name from Shem's son
Asshur. It thus appears  to have been first
populated by semites shortly after the flood.

However, Ham's  grandson Nimrod entered
into Assyria and built, "Nineveh and Rehoboth
and Calah and Resen between Nineveh and
Calah, this  is the great  city.

Thereafter, many dynasties ruled Assyria
and conquered many other  neighbouring
Cities with cold  blood shed.

There is a king named Adad Nirari III, responded to warning message of Jonah's preaching for repentance and the whole Nineveh was saved from destruction by God.

I hope all man-made governments should follow that Assyrian  king as a model to do
right things in the eyes of God.

In the year 740 BC, Assyria conquered Samaria, the capital of the northern kingdom of Israel,
and took its people into exile.

Eight years later Assyria invaded Judah.

The Assyrian  king Sennacherib  demanded
Of Judean King Hezekiah a tribute of 30
talents of gold and 300 talents of  silver.
The Bible record states that this tribute
was paid.

Note, though, that  Sennacherib does not
claim  to have conquered  Jerusalem.  In
fact, he says nothing about the  crushing
defeat his army suffered through divine
intervention.  According to the Bible,  God's
angel took the lives of 1,85,000 Assyrian
Soldiers in one night. (2Kings 19:35,36)

Sennacherib's representative Rabshakeh
tsunts Jehovah and demands Jerusalem's
capitulation  but nothing  can be done.

As Jehovah's  Prophets fotetold Assyria in
time became a desolute ruin  and Babylon
succeeded it on the world scene.
(Isaiah  23:13,  Zephaniah 2:13)

Battle of Nineveh  was in 632 BC, during the
14th year of Nebopolassar by the combined forces  of Babylon and Mede.


Jehovah's Prophets  foretold the time when
peaceful relations  would exist between the
lands of Assyria and Egypt and they would be
united with Israel in God's  favour  and
constitute  "a blessing  in the  midst of the
earth"  (Isaiah 19:23-25)

The rulership of the "Prince of Peace", Jesus
Christ, will embrace the entire earth. Then
"In the  days the righteous  one will sprout,
and the abundance of Peace until the moon
is no more. And he will have subjects from
sea to sea and from the  River (Euphrates)
to the ends of the earth." (Psalms 72:7,8).

Yes, we can hopefully waiting for that next,
different kind of rulership for the entire earth.

You can trust that promise of the universal
sovereign of Jehovah  God.  We can also 
benefit from the  rulership to repent from our
bad ways and trust him.


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